04 July 2007

What, no opening band to warm up the crowd?

When I first heard about the "Live Earth" concept, of concerts on all seven continents on 07/07/07, I swear it was the first thought into my head: who the hell's going to play on Antarctica in the middle of winter?! Bono may just be that committed/conceited, but I'm pretty sure the rest of U2 would finally balk. (Although the Edge already has his winter hat on; maybe he's good to go...)

So who do you get for a gig too extreme even for rock stars? The only people more badass than rock stars of course: scientists! We're not talking about these posers either, we're talking actual nerds, far geekier than any horn-rimmed-glasses faux-dweeb record store clerk. Their name is Nunatak, and they earned the gig by having more satellite bandwidth than the other research stations (who also apparently have resident bands). Take that, Fossil Bluff Forward Logistics Facility! Read all about it at Nature News, and if that link doesn't work for you here's a pdf version.


Anonymous said...

my favorite post so far - go geeks!