31 January 2007


this is just a rough list off the top of my head, but it gives you, the dangermusic blog early adopter, an idea of what i might post on, if i ever post.

the big news for now is combining itunes, musicast, and streampad to bring you the embedded player on the left, streaming a playlist from my home computer. (if it doesn't work at the moment, my computer's asleep.)

streampad is still getting the bugs worked out, but this was all very easy to set up. the only new thing i learned was how to forward ports through my airport base station. more on all these in later posts (maybe).


other stuff:

hype machine: music blog aggregator
pandora: custom internet radio
pandora stations: other people's custom internet radio
foxytunes: firefox music player extension add-on

itunes signature maker
(to make and host, respectively, the audio clip on my blogger profile.)

picasa web albums:

From dangermusicblog


Graham Siener said...

Wow, I feel at least partially responsible for this blog. Good luck, hope you don't abandon this like your LiveJournal!